
Showing posts from April, 2021

Becoming a Sophomore

 My freshman year of college is coming to an end.  The next thing to think about is what courses I'm going to be taking in the fall.  I'm very excited because I will be back on campus next semester and taking in person classes. Next semester I will be taking a math course, language and history class.  I still have to speak to my advisor because I added an extra class on this semester.  I don't know those specific courses, but it will definitely be interesting getting back in the routine of standard classes.  The class I am looking forward to the most is Digital Audio Production.  This class pertains to my major, Television and Digital Media.  This past semester I took Intro to Control Room and Studio which was online.  I am looking forward to taking something I know I will enjoy and especially because it will most likely be in person as of right now.  The other course that stood out is Theorizing Communication and Media.  I believe ...

A True Best Friend

Friends come and go however a few will stick around.  Now my best friend and I don't have some incredible story on how we met or how we really clicked, but I think that's what makes this friendship so special.   My friend Kaitlyn and I became friends the regular ordinary way in a class we had together in sophomore year.  While in gym class her and her other friend planned on going trick or treating, which is completely embarrassing as we were about 15 at the time.  This is when I found out that we only lived about a block away from each other.  I've always wanted one of those neighborhood friends as a kid. Throughout high school our friendship just stuck.  We're the type of friends that support each other and cheer each other on when something exciting happens in our lives.  Our friendship consists of us  going ice skating, walking around our neighborhood, facetiming and having conversations about her favorite show "Grey's Anatomy".  Kai...

Sweet Caroline...BUM! BUM! BUM!

Karaoke is very enjoyable when done with a group of friends.  I have three songs that are perfect to also sing in the car if you want to do some  carpool karaoke.  My first choice would be "History" by One Direction because my friends got me into them.  I personally liked their music as a kid, but I'm not obsessed like them.  Not long ago we were in the car singing this song at the top of our lunges.  This is not meant be sung loud but we were screaming it.  The song reminds me of my group of friends because of the main line "You and me got a whole lot of history."  Up next is "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond.  This is not my top song at all it's very far from it however this is great when you have a large group of people because everyone gets to shout the "bum bum bum" part.  It's a great song to get people energized and excited.  Back in high school we used to do a competition of games against the classes called "Clash" an...


Lori Kupelian is from Closter, N.J. and is currently a college student.  Kupelian also has a passion for dance and has been dancing since she was three.  She was too young and would watch her sister until she turned five and was allowed to start dancing.  When she was ten she learned ballet, modern and jazz which she continued to do all the way to her last year in high school. She still dances to this day with Armenian Dance through dance.  She travels with her dance group to perform in places such as Argentina and Canada.  In the future she wants to go to Australia and Greece.  Kupelian is very involved not only does she dance she has different hobbies such as video editing and roller skating.  On the side she always enjoys cooking and baking.  She was a part of three plays Mamma Mia, Footloose and The Addams Family and participated in choir.  Kupelian will not take dancing as a career as she wants to go into the television and media indust...

Flighttime AD


Texas Toast

Some good old garlic bread is a nice little side food to have with a pasta dinner.  I personally have to say garlic bread is my favorite type of garlic food as I don't eat many things with garlic in it.  While this might seem funny I have to say Texas Toast garlic bread is a part of dinner almost every other week in my house.  This is the traditional type of garlic bread, but my sister and I always ask for this when were getting groceries with our parents.  What I personally like about this garlic bread is that it is not a small piece of bread it's a bit more filling.  Normally we will eat pasta, chicken parmesan, some type of vegetable and garlic bread.  Next on the list we have garlic knots. In my opinion these are so similar to a piece of garlic bread.  These are a fun thing to get when you order pizza.  I personally started to like these just recently.  My mom would normally eat these when we ordered a pizza and I didn't ever want to try ...