Sweet Caroline...BUM! BUM! BUM!

Karaoke is very enjoyable when done with a group of friends.  I have three songs that are perfect to also sing in the car if you want to do some carpool karaoke. 

My first choice would be "History" by One Direction because my friends got me into them.  I personally liked their music as a kid, but I'm not obsessed like them.  Not long ago we were in the car singing this song at the top of our lunges.  This is not meant be sung loud but we were screaming it.  The song reminds me of my group of friends because of the main line "You and me got a whole lot of history." 

Up next is "Sweet Caroline" by Neil Diamond.  This is not my top song at all it's very far from it however this is great when you have a large group of people because everyone gets to shout the "bum bum bum" part.  It's a great song to get people energized and excited.  Back in high school we used to do a competition of games against the classes called "Clash" and while we played this song would be on.  It was incredible to see the entire school in one place singing it together. 

The last karaoke song I have is "Counting Stars" by OneRepublic.  They have some other good songs such as "I Lived" and "Apologize".  I personally sang this song back in middle school at a karaoke performance my choir class was doing.  I sang it with two other friends and one who I am still in touch with.  That was my first time singing in front of the whole school with only three people. 

There are definitely some other great songs for karaoke out there, but these bring out a past memory for me.  These songs are good to sing with several other people. 


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