
Showing posts from March, 2021

The Cape May Zoo

The most incredible thing I was able to see at the Cape May Zoo was a giraffe.  I always went to the Turtle Back Zoo when I was younger where I didn't see some of these rare animals.  A few years ago my family and I took a week vacation to Avalon in the summer.  During that week we also visited the Cape May Zoo and here is a photo of the giraffe we saw.  While this is not my favorite zoo animal it was very fascinating to see in person and this close.  There were several there that day, but this giraffe actually came up to the ledge where everyone was standing and got very close.  Another animal we saw that day was a zebra.  This is another animal I personally have never seen in person up until that point.  Similar to the giraffes there were about three zebras.  This is a photo of the zebras we saw at the Cape May Zoo back in 2017.  I think what is amazing about seeing these zebras is that normally as a kid you would only see them in a TV...

Quick and Easy to Eat

As a college student I always need something quick and easy to eat.  Classes are in the morning for me and I need a food where I can grab and go.  Almost every morning I eat a bagel with either cream cheese or butter.  In my opinion a bagel is something simple to make and is a nice food to grab on your way to class.  My top three are either plain, everything or cinnamon raison.  I am constantly eating a plain bagel, but every now and then I need something with a little more flavor.  Now everyone has a preference whether it's toasted or not toasted and cream cheese or butter.  However there is something amazing about a warm toasted bagel with cream cheese.   When I used to dorm at Montclair State University Sam's Place always had several food options for breakfast, but with early classes it's not easy eating a full breakfast, such as eggs, pancakes and sausage.  Bagels were always at a station that was available all throughout the day whi...

A Good Old PB&J

One of my favorite things to eat is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Peanut butter and jelly are the perfect combination, I personally don't think peanut butter goes with anything else. For lunch I would always bring a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to school, I loved eating them as a kid.  Jelly has a sweet flavor that makes it go perfectly with peanut butter.  I only like creamy peanut butter however as I am not a big fan of crunchy.  Peanut butter also goes well with fruit.  I personally am not a big fan of peanut butter on fruit, but I will eat it every now and then.  In my opinion it goes best with apples and bananas.  It seems like peanut butter always goes good with a sweeter type of food.  Other people like peanut butter in a piece of candy.  Some examples are reese's peanut butter cups, and peanut m&ms.  I personally don't like chocolate with peanuts, but some people think they are incredible because peanut b...

Fall Back, Spring Ahead


Three Cookies that make the best Dessert

Cookies are the best thing to eat after dinner and I always chose cookies over pie at a Thanksgiving get together. The three best cookies are chocolate chip, oatmeal raison and oreos.  My favorite cookie is chocolate chip it doesn't matter what kind this is the first type of cookie I would eat out of the three I am going to discuss.  I've liked them since I was little an now I'm in college and still eat them almost everyday.  Throughout high school I always ate "chips ahoy", but now I enjoy any type.  Most people enjoy these cookies because they are normally associated with a good memory.  They are also quick and fun to bake too. My second favorite type of cookie is oatmeal raison.  I recently have started to bake these with my younger sister and they normally come out good.  At the dining halls at Montclair State University they normally give out these and brownies.  I got addicted to them and would always grab this and soda at that one section i...

My favorite cereals. "They're Magically Delicious"

I currently don't eat cereal as much as I used too, but I have three cereals I would normally eat which are Frosted Flakes, Cheerios and Lucky Charms.  My favorite cereal is Frosted Flakes and I first started liking it when I was in sixth grade.  Unfortunately I ate this almost every day to the point where I couldn't eat it anymore.  It's similar to cornflakes which I eat every now and then, but it can't replace Frosted Flakes.  They used to give Frosted Flakes out at breakfast when I was younger, but it was when I started middle school that I really started to like it more.  Ever since I was a little kid I loved Cheerios.  It is favorited amongst almost everyone and it is something most of us ate when were were around the age of two.  My dad got a video of me reaching in the box as a baby to grab a handful of cheerios and it the went all over our kitchen floor.  It is still a funny memory and I'm glad he was able to capture that mo...