Three Cookies that make the best Dessert

Cookies are the best thing to eat after dinner and I always chose cookies over pie at a Thanksgiving get together. The three best cookies are chocolate chip, oatmeal raison and oreos. 

My favorite cookie is chocolate chip it doesn't matter what kind this is the first type of cookie I would eat out of the three I am going to discuss.  I've liked them since I was little an now I'm in college and still eat them almost everyday.  Throughout high school I always ate "chips ahoy", but now I enjoy any type.  Most people enjoy these cookies because they are normally associated with a good memory.  They are also quick and fun to bake too.

My second favorite type of cookie is oatmeal raison.  I recently have started to bake these with my younger sister and they normally come out good.  At the dining halls at Montclair State University they normally give out these and brownies.  I got addicted to them and would always grab this and soda at that one section in Sam's place.  Oatmeal cookies are good too, but the raisins make it better. 

I don't eat Oreos as much as the other two cookies which is why this one is my third favorite.  I am the type of person to actually bite into the cookie because I like the whole thing.  Most people like the inside of the cookie and they spin off the top half.  I normally eat these in the afternoon for a snack and not after dinner.  This is also the type of cookie that tastes good with a glass of milk.

I absolutely love cookies and I would eat these three in an instant.  Chocolate chip cookies will always be number one and in a few minutes I'm about to go grab some. 


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