A Good Old PB&J

One of my favorite things to eat is a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.  Peanut butter and jelly are the perfect combination, I personally don't think peanut butter goes with anything else.

For lunch I would always bring a peanut butter and jelly sandwich to school, I loved eating them as a kid.  Jelly has a sweet flavor that makes it go perfectly with peanut butter.  I only like creamy peanut butter however as I am not a big fan of crunchy. 

Peanut butter also goes well with fruit.  I personally am not a big fan of peanut butter on fruit, but I will eat it every now and then.  In my opinion it goes best with apples and bananas.  It seems like peanut butter always goes good with a sweeter type of food. 

Other people like peanut butter in a piece of candy.  Some examples are reese's peanut butter cups, and peanut m&ms.  I personally don't like chocolate with peanuts, but some people think they are incredible because peanut butter goes great with sweet food. 

Overall I'm not a huge fan of peanut butter, I think it only goes well with so many things.  Sometimes it's best to have something that can mix with another.  I have to say peanut butter and jelly is my top choice for what goes best with peanut butter.  


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