My Car

 I have a 2007 white Toyota Camry which is my current car that I got a month after I turned 17. 

My mom has a silver Toyota SUV and my dad has a black Toyota Camry.  We looked at several cars before this one, but we realized I needed it to drive to school and it ended up being the right choice.  It was a late birthday present and I was so glad my parents and I took the time to learn more about the car. 

I have a group of friends, one of them is my age and the rest are two years younger.  It was exciting because my friend Kaitlyn and I live a block away from each other and we always got to drive each other to school.  The most exciting part is when you get to play music with friends in the car.  Unfortunately Kaitlyn broke her arm in the beginning of her senior year and I drove her two school for about two months.  

I later met the larger friend group and we always got to play music and dance in the car.  However we were never able to drive because as a 17 year old you are only allowed to have one passenger.  Each time we hung out we never got to drive anywhere but we would always just sit in a parking lot and listen to music. 


The video above is from a time when I hung out with a few of my friends.  One of the boys in the back, Thomas was singing bad on purpose and Valerie the girl in the passengers seat and I thought it would be funny to just hop out of the car while he was singing.  We were even able to signal the two friends in the back seat to get in on the joke.  It was very funny and we still talk about it now.  This video includes his reaction to the joke. 

Unfortunately the pandemic affected our lives we were not able to drive with everyone in the car.  We only had two months to go and we would have been able to go for a drive with everyone.  What's great about a car is the memories you make in it.  Even though the pandemic ruined the opportunity this car has allowed me to go out and get some fresh air.  Sometimes it is nice just going for a drive and listening to music. 

I wouldn't want another type of car and I don't plan on switching to a different vehicle anytime soon.  It also has a sun roof.  It is always smart to make sure you really look into the car you purchase and make sure it is safe for a new driver. 


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